
Encouragement for End-Times Endurance brings you a look at current events around the world from a biblical perspective, including how they might be connected to Bible prophecy.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

World News Through the Third Lens

HOW HARVARD, YALE AND COLUMBIA ARE LEADING US TO ARMAGEDDON (by Bill Koenig, watch.org, 3/5/10) with commentary by Les Young:
"Graduates from Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Princeton and other Ivy League schools have accelerated our nation and the world toward the final-day battle of Armageddon. These schools with a Christian history are now bastions of secular humanism They have produced leaders who are directly responsible for the debacles that we are facing....and are threatening the very survival of America and the world, as we know it. These very bright and gifted people have left us with accelerating problems on many fronts. They include:
  • Forty years of flawed Middle East policy - leading to the world's final battles.
  • The LGBT agenda which is legalizing immorality and leading to judgment.
  • The financial derivatives collapse - a worldwide financial contagion.
  • The financial collapse on Wall Street leading to a one-world financial order and a one-world currency.
  • Secular humanism which has led to a godless, immoral world.
  • Ecumenical meetings between Protestant churches and Muslims, the R.C. church and Muslims, etc. leading to a one-world religious order.
  • Islam (including its atrocities being legitimized to insure the world's oil flow.
  • Islam's Sharia finance system being endorsed.
  • The global warming hoax as another attempt at a one-world order.
  • Violation of the U.S. Constitution which is leading to one-world accountability and the federal government's takeover of America.
  • The ACLU's excesses targeting church and state issues.

How did the eight "Ivy League" schools go from being training grounds for Christian missionaries and ministers, and respected citadels of higher education to what they are now - propaganda factories for every leftist, perverted, radical, tyrannical, failed ideology known to mankind? Unbeknown to them, all of these schools are rapidly producing leaders in our country that are leading us to the final days and Jesus Christ's return to Jerusalem. America may not be predominant in last-day Scriptures, but no nation is a more significant catalyst to the final days than the United States of America under the leadership of academic elites whose god is secular humanism."

Bill Koenig goes on to list all eight of the schools, giving a brief background as to their original purposes. Then he lists some of the leaders produced from these institutions over the past 70-80 years, and how they have been instrumental in leading this country to the brink. For further information, go to http://www.watch.org/

A BIBLICAL (THIRD LENS) PERSPECTIVE: It is interesting to note that education and learning are mentioned in Scripture with respect to the last-days. A couple of them are repeated here as examples. Paul, speaking of the perilous times in the last days, describes a generation who, along with embracing all sorts of abominable behavior, are......"Ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." (2 Timothy 3:7) Maybe this explains, to some extent, why many of the decisions handed down by governments and courts don't make any sense. The apocalyptic book of Daniel closes with these words: "But you, Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge." (Daniel 12:4)

Sometimes we as Christians act as though we were caught on the horns of a dilemma. As we try to engage our culture and act as salt and light, we often find our selves caught up trying to preserve some institution or tradition, by restoring its former glory. Perhaps we try too hard to go along so that we can get a long, sprinkling a grain of salt here and shining a pen-light there. Let's face it - Jesus never tried to reform dead old traditions; He spoke to people's hearts. What He offered was a radical heart transplant, not the same old heart in a wrapped up in some refreshed religious system. It is that message we are called to preach and model. It's called the Gospel of the Kingdom. I'll get back to that in a moment.

Peter, speaking of the Second Coming of Christ, which includes the afore-mentioned Armageddon as part of the Day of the Lord, challenges the followers of Christ with these words: "Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed it's coming....." (2 Peter 3:11-12a) "...Speed its coming..." Peter said. A lot is being written about what godless people are doing to speed the day of judgment, and sometimes the message in those writings (Expressed or implied) is that we Christians should do something to stop it. Social activism has become a whole new branch of "Christian Ministry." What is it really that we Christians should be doing, that will speed the coming of that day? Jesus tells us clearly in His discourse concerning the Last Days. "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14) May this blog, and your sharing of it be a step in that direction, so help us God.


  1. The Secular Humanist are not a Johnny come lately organization. They have been around nearly a hundred years and infiltrating all the higher education schools for at least as long. Sadly they have also infiltrated our political processes and our legal systems too in order to further their agenda of a one world policy.

    If you thin about it, it is a modern day Marxism ideaology.

  2. I happened to run across this on One news now and thought it might be of interest to you:

    A Christian student in the Los Angeles Community College District is carrying his free-speech case to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

    Jonathan Lopez had an assignment in a public speaking class and was required to give an informative speech on any topic. Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) attorney David Hacker tells OneNewsNow that Lopez chose to speak about his Christian beliefs. "And during that speech, when he mentioned that marriage is between a man and a woman according to his Christian beliefs, the professor called him this horrible name, refused to let him finish the assignment, and told other students in the class, 'If you're offended, you can leave,'" Hacker explains.

    When no students left, the professor dismissed the class. Hacker adds that Lopez is an "A" student -- "but the problem is he never got a grade on that informative speech, and in fact, the professor wrote on his evaluation form, 'Ask God what your grade is.'"

    The ADF attorney argues that demonstrates the hostility towards religion on many college campuses. The lower court in Los Angeles issued a preliminary injunction against the school, saying its speech code -- allowing administrators to punish Lopez's "hateful propaganda" -- is unconstitutional. That has been appealed to the Ninth Circuit.
