Israel’s Vice Premier Moshe Ya'alon said Friday he feared the Islamic Republic did not believe it faced a real military threat from the outside world because of mixed messages from foreign powers, including the US. "We have an exchange of views, including with our friends in the United States, who in our opinion, are in part responsible for this feeling in Iran," he said. "There are many cracks in the ring closing tighter on Iran. We criticize this." Ya’alon also censured UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon for traveling to Tehran last week. (Reuters)
STRIKE AGAINST IRAN: Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin
Dempsey said late last week he did not want to be "complicit" if Israel chose to
strike Iran's nuclear program, positing that a premature attack would dissolve
the international pressure on the Islamic Republic. Speaking to UK journalists,
Dempsey said an assault would clearly delay but probably not destroy Iran's
nuclear program. He explained the international coalition pressuring Iran could
be undone if it was attacked prematurely. "I don't want to be complicit if the
Israelis choose to do it," he said. Dempsey’s harsh language may very well be
understood by Israeli decision makers as a shot across the bow that cannot be
ignored, while the popular interpretation will be that Israel cannot rely on the
US and needs to take matters into its own hands. (J.Post/Ha’aretz)
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced Thursday he will address
the UN General Assembly next month in New York. "In Tehran today, the
representatives of 120 countries heard a blood libel against the State of Israel
and were silent," Netanyahu said. "This silence must stop. Therefore, I will go
to the UN General Assembly and, in a clear voice, tell the nations of the world
the truth about Iran's terrorist regime, which constitutes the greatest threat
to world peace." The prime minister on Wednesday strongly condemned the
Non-Aligned Movement summit taking place in Tehran. "Today, over 120 countries
are meeting in Tehran, while the regime there denies the Holocaust, and works to
destroy the Zionist state. This is a disgrace to humanity," the prime minister
said. Netanyahu continued that the presence of these 120 states in Iran is a
sign that the world's pledge "never again" after the Holocaust, is hollow. (J.
These are just three of many headlines which have appeared around the world in the past three days (although most of them probably were missed by the main stream media). This post may seem, at first blush, like a rehash of one from a month ago, but I believe it is necessary. What is happening on the world scene with respect to Israel should be viewed as ticks on God's prophetic clock as we come ever closer to the End of the Age.
I would first like to refer the reader back to the post made one month ago in which the 12th Chapter of Ezekiel was used to sound a warning to any nation that would , as some headlines have recently phrased it, "Throw Israel under the bus!" The headlines cited above indicate that many nations, including the USA, have ignored the warning. Presidential Candidate, Mitt Romney, has promised to reverse that course if he is elected president. However, the concept of a "two state solution" to the land referred to as Palestine is still a plank in the Republican platform. That should be enough said, without even trying to explore any of the mystical relationship between Mormonism and the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel.Suffice it to say that Israel has biblical, theological, legal and practical claims to the Land. Liberal theologians, Muslims, ultra-orthodox Jews and Christian groups embracing replacement theology all say otherwise, which complicates the matter for many.
As the messianic prophesies start out very broad and general ("And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel." Genesis 3:15 (NKJV) and over time become more and more specific (Abraham's seed, Genesis 12:3, through Isaac, Genesis 22:18, His tribe, Genesis 49:10, His place of birth, Micah 5:2, et al), so it is with the promises concerning the nation and the land.
The land promises which begin in Genesis 12 are repeated to Abraham in Genesis 13, 15, 17 and 22. The promise is confirmed with Isaac in Genesis 26, with Jacob (Israel) in Genesis 28, and assumed in the predictions to Jacob's 12 sons in Genesis 49. God fulfilled His promise concerning the exile of Abraham's descendants in a strange land for 400 years, followed by a return to the land (Genesis 15:13-16). The boundaries of the land are described in Numbers 34, Deuteronomy 28-30. The Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7:4-17) promises that a descendant of David will sit on the throne forever - assuming not only a king, but a kingdom over which to rule. This promise has been interrupted because of Israel's unfaithfulness, but never abrogated.
Theologically, it is important to remember that when God ratified His covenant with Abraham, it was a unilateral covenant; an unconditional covenant. Abraham prepared the sacrificial animals, but then he fell asleep and God alone performed the ritual binding of the covenant. Repetition of key elements of the covenant throughout the Old Testament, and Paul's teaching in Romans 9-11 makes it clear that the church has not replaced Israel in God's program "for the gifts and calling of God are without repentance" (Romans 11:29).
Legally, there is a maelstrom of disagreement surrounding the existence of the modern state of Israel. To access a good overview of this complicated topic, I recommend Fast Facts on the Middle East Conflict by Randall Price. It's important to note that "legal" here does not mean a mis-application of biblical and theological from above. God will fulfill that in due time. Suffice it to say that the restoration of Israel as a nation in 1948, while accomplished by God's behind the scenes sovereignty, took place while Israel was yet in unbelief (see Romans 11:23). It was a socialistic, irreligious segment of Jewish society that pioneered the the modern state. And as flawed as it is, it has been a series of legal decisions dating back to the 1922 British Mandate, which has resulted in legitimate claims to the land today.
Practically speaking, just consider the plight of so-called Palestinian refugees. In the 20th century, more Jews were dispossessed of lands and possessions in Arab lands than ever before. Yet tiny Israel has taken in over 700,000 disposed Jews from around the world since 1948. Consider the sad fact that the oil-rich Arab world surrounding Israel has done precious little to offer havens of relief for Palestinian refugees. Consider the fact that Palestinian refugees in the Israeli controlled portions of the West Bank live at much higher standards than the refugees in PLP/PLA portions. The entire Gaza strip fell into social and economic squalor once 9000 Jews were forcefully evacuated.
I will conclude this by encouraging those who read this to keep your eyes on Israel, and even further on Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. I believe that Joel Rosenberg correctly labeled these as "Epicenter" in his book by the same title, written in 2006. The political battles here at home seem to focus on the economy, with virtually no one connecting our economic plight to our national views towards the sanctity of life from conception, the sanctity of biblical marriage and family, and the blessings and curses associated with national dealings towards Israel. Pray, pray, pray! Vote as the Holy Spirit dictates. Be about the Father's business and keep looking up, for your redemption draws near!